Art Ensemble Syd is the official ensemble of the town of Sønderborg.
Art Ensemble Syd is a Danish creative music ensemble.
Art Ensemble Syd was founded by composer and bassist Niels Præstholm in 2009
Art Ensemble Syd has performed all around Denmark and Germany.
Art Ensemble is working effortless in the fields of jazz and popular music, improvised music, cross over genres with modern classical music and folklore and as backing band for various soloists.
Art Ensemble Syd has over the last five years performed with soloists and ensembles as
• Avant-garde guitar legend Michael Gregory Jackson,
• World known composer and pianist Django Bates (UK)
• Sønderjyllands Symfoniorkester/ The South Denmark Philharmonic,
• Danish pop icon, songwriter and composer Sebastian,
• Poet and composer T.S. Høeg and
• Danish national troubadour Povl Dissing.
Besides doing concert tours and projects Art Ensemble Syd does workshops and clinics for children and young adults (and everyone else) in and around the town of Sønderborg in order to support the art of jazz and related music.